Saturday, March 27, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy T-Bastard

We can all thank some of my Goodreads friends for the recent surplus of the amount of books I am reading. Four in two weeks is impressive for me, but with each passing book comes a blog about it. Who is reading me type these out? Probably just me. I continue...

I have a plethora of books on my shelf that have been dying to be read. As soon as I am about to pick a book up, something far more interesting catches my eye. Now, I am broke and I do not believe anything interesting is hitting the shelves until May. I finally chose to read the copy of Diary of a Wimpy Kid that I bought some six months ago. Frankly, I am glad I did.

It took maybe three hours total to read through it, but they were hours well spent. Everybody had an awkward time getting through middle school. That is what those years are for and this book captures every moment. I enjoyed this book because I felt like I was reading words that I would have written back then. The main character/narrator (Greg) is one of those kids who thinks the world revolves around him. He is just a lonely kid trying to make it with the social hierarchy. He is a kid who thinks he is too cool to hang out with anyone else in his grade, but chooses to settle for Rowley--his geeky neighbor. Read this book for the funny animation and just to pass the time. I can't wait to read the other books. I am now traveling from Repo Men to Diary of a Wimpy kid to Zombies. I start reading Johnathon Maberry's Patient Zero tomorrow.

Normal stuff...

Please go see How to Train Your Dragon. It is epic, funny, and at times--moving. It is worth the 26 dollars I spent to see it in 3D.

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