Thursday, March 11, 2010

So, my first blog--ever!

Hello, my friends, or anyone, my name is Thomas and boy do I have a story to tell....

The other day, I was walking my dog down the road when I had a hunch that I was being watched. It was night time so of all things I do not wish to be watched--that is for daytime ONLY. Well, I nudged the dog to hurry up its business because of the newly developed stab plot that I formulated in my mind. In a swift reaction, I walk the dog up the drive way of the nearest house.

This house I chose has been abandoned for a year now so, naturally, it is often the choice for the nightly piss. The dogs--not mine. I inch up the driveway only accompanied by the dog's curiosity and the moon's tricky shadows it casts on all of the local real estate. Convincing myself I have simply seen too many movies, I let the dog guide me.

A little time passes before, once again, I get that hunch. I jerk around to see the darkest eyes ever to grace this planet. They scream hunger and desperation. They scream, "Cat Nip!" Ok, it was cat making its nightly prowl. Resisting the urge to slap my self on the head, I turn my attention back to the dog. She has found something. "What is it, Lady?" The dog does not acknowledge me. It only continues digging. It digs and digs and I scream its name, but nothing will stop the digging. Moments later, it pauses. It jerks an object out of the ground. I nearly convulse. In its mouth is a--it's a--a----well, it is nothing.

The dog does not look like she is going to do the deed. I jerk her leash and head home. The sight I witness next is simply terrifying....

1 comment:

  1. What did you see??!? Was it Kimberly after a loong night at work?!? AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
